Thursday, March 15, 2007

Announcement: NEH Humanities Initiatives for Faculty Grants

Humanities Initiatives for Faculty are intended to strengthen and enrich humanities education and scholarship at Institutions with High Hispanic Enrollment. These grants may be used to enhance the humanities content of existing programs, develop new programs, or lay the foundation for more extensive endeavors in the future.

For 2007, NEH is particularly interested in proposals in the following categories: (1) American history; (2) world literatures; (3) languages; (4) humanities connections to science, medicine, and technology; and (5) humanities approaches to business, law, and economics. Applications for projects in all disciplines of the humanities, however, are eligible for funding and encouraged.

Preliminary proposals (optional): The staff recommends that preliminary proposals be sent so as to be received by May 31, 2007.

Applications must be received by by June 15, 2007.

More guidelines info here