amorosa's blog for the HAV
Readers of the Hispanic American Village will know of my recent trip to Peru and how lasting were my impressions of this land of contrasts and great physical beauty. And of its people, mostly reserved, always engaging and respectful, easy to travel and live amongst, proud of their heritage, just learning their history.
The news, last Tuesday night, of the massive earthquake undoubtedly affected me more strongly than those to whom Peru means Machu Pichu, Inca warriors and ceviche, but, of course, with a very different force than those with families and a long chain of memories there. When the quake's path became clear, it proved uncanny: the 40 kilometer deep fault of the quake followed on the surface my footsteps exactly as I made my way south from Lima, Peru's capital.
The news sources reporting on the disaster don't know what most Peruvians don't know as well: that this region is home to the largest concentration of the approximately 3% of the population that is of African extraction, left a legacy of a most shameful episode in the colonial annals of the country. Until recently, Afro-Peruvians and their history were allowed to be subsumed under that, also regrettable chronology, of their indigenous compatriots.
But, no matter the genealogy, nor the iniquity of the past, the Peruvian people have suffered tremendously in this disaster, and I'm asking you, as I'm asking all those around me, to give what they can.
Oxfam America, with a history of support for the world's peoples, through ongoing projects and disaster aid, is I feel one of, if not, the worthiest conduit of support funds.
Go to their web site for ongoing reports of the situation and their efforts in the region and to make a donation.
I've just discovered the site of another organization, new to me, specializing in providing medical assistance to developing countries and the impoverished of the US, that is appealing for donations: Direct Relief International
Once again:
Hispanic American Village
A Peruvian Journey -- And Quest
Oxfam America -- Earthquake updates
I just came across the blog of a clearing house of charitable organizations, Network for Good. They've got a long, long list of organizations they say it's cool to donate to: