The State post should be going to Richardson
Regrettably, as President-elect Obama’s cabinet is taking shape, not only does it not promise new vision, as top-heavy as it is with Clintonians and Beltway bandits, but I’m disheartened to see that in neither of the key posts of Secretary of State nor Attorney General was a Latino selected.
Especially disappointing is Obama’s passing over of Bill Richardson for the State post, I believe in order to repay the Clintons for their grudging but vocal support of his candidacy after Hillary had to bow out. Richardson has many more real creds out there in the world of trouble finding and shooting: releasing hostages and political prisoners, negotiating with Saddam Hussein, serving as U.S. Ambassador to the U.N., for example, earning him 3 Nobel Peace Prize nominations, while I’m reminded that Clinton has had little international experience herself, having gotten to know the world when she accompanied her husband on his rounds.
Friends at the U.N. speak highly of Richardson in all his diplomatic capacities and note his reputation as an amiable, team-playing guy, one they liked to have around. It’s a quality that will prove key as the U.S. tries to remake its reputation as a friend of the world and refind its integrity.
Bad move Barack.