Just when I was about to note that folks like Barack's Latino cabinet choices, Bill Richardson at Commerce, Ken Salazar at the Interior--Richardson's father was a WASP banker and Salazar's ranching family's been here for 150 years, tracing their lineage to 12th century Spain, not that there's anything wrong with that--were the reasons for the neologism, non-Hispanic whites, and ask where the "real" Latinos were, those sons and daughters of mojados, of Cubans off the Mariel, indios from the altiplano, or Afro-Ricans, along comes Hilda Solis, the real deal on her way to expand the rights of the natural-born and immigrants at the Department of Labor. (Solis has been a champion of the environment as well.)
Not only is Solis the daughter of immigrants--Mexican/Nicaraguan--but she's one of 8 kids and a product of solid working class values.
An Angelina, the LA Times proudly zones in on their homie.