From our immigration attorney, Patricia Ice, who writes a regular column for the Hispanic American Village:
The Mississippi Immigrants Rights Alliance (MIRA!) will host a Naturalization Workshop on Thursday, January 28, 2010 from 3 to 7 P.m. at 612 N. State Street in Jackson. At that time MIRA licensed attorneys will assist applicants in preparing their N-400 applications for submission to the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services. The fee for the Naturalization Workshop is $150, which includes a year long MIRA membership. The United States government N-400 filing fee is $675. This Naturalization Workshop is only for individuals who have been lawful permanent residents for the last five (5) years or three (3) years if married to and living with a United States citizen spouse. For more information, and a list of documents to bring to the Workshop, please contact Tatiana or Ulises at the Mississippi Immigrants Rights Alliance at 601-354-9355 or send e-mail to