I do hope you take the time to read my op-ed on the Women’s Village page indicting “second wave” feminists for their elitism, pointing more specifically at their icon, Gloria Steinem, and her NY Times column premised on her belief that women are even lower down on the totem pole of groups non grata in our society than blacks. The piece begs the question of Latinas and their relationship to feminism, both black and white.
I also recommend our Focus on the race-gender based hostility between the Clinton and Obama camps.
We’d like to get a dialog going on whether Latinas can identify with and feel a sense of belonging to either the white feminists’ struggle or black women’s plight and fight, or whether the Latina experience confronts separate issues and expectations. So read and comment--give the HAV some content for a Latina follow-up.
And while you’re figuring it all out, don’t forget to vote in our poll on sister solidarity.