Fave columnist Roberto Lovato makes a convincing argument against the pundits who claim that Barack Obama's poor 2nd in Nevada to Hillary Clinton's win was an aspect of black-brown tensions. How can, Lovato reasons, the "experts," both black and white, know what's going on in the Latino mind if they don't follow the Spanish language media?
Lovato also asks, if Latinos are skittish on Obama because of his race, then why did they deliver 36% of their vote to Jessie Jackson's presidential bid in California in 1988 and a solid 50% in Latino-loaded counties in New Mexico?
Read Everyone's Expert on the Latino Vote, Except Latinos. It's anti-dotal.
As well as Lovato's musings on John McCain's chances of shoring up Latino votes for the GOP.
Finally, vote in our poll: Will Latinos cast the deciding vote come Super Tuesday in any of the 22 contests?