Gus Cedillo and Federico Peña are barnstorming for Barack ...
...and DemocracyNow! does an informative wrap-up of last night's debate between the two candidates 5 days before Super Tuesday. Will Voto Latino bring 'em out for Clinton or Obama? Here's the blurb and the show, and while you're at it, join our own voto latino and let us know how you represent.
Democratic Presidential Nomination Could Hinge on Divided Latino Vote
With Super Tuesday just four days away, Senators Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are actively courting support from Latino voters across the country. We speak to Dolores Huerta, a longtime labor activist and co-founder of the United Farm Workers of America who is supporting Clinton; Federico Pena, a former Clinton cabinet member and Denver mayor now co-chairing Obama’s campaign; and California State Senator Gilbert Cedillo, who is also backing Obama.