Thursday, November 09, 2006

"Post" mortems on the Menendez win

The Menendez Victory
Bob Menendez recalled his impoverished upbringing—seamstress mom, immigrant struggles (his family emigrated to the States pre-Cuban revolution)after handily taking rightful claim early tuesday night to the New Jersey senate seat to which he had been appointed by Jersey governor Jon Corzine.

Menendez' victory, an 8-point spread, 53% – 45%, was greater than the cliff-hanger predicted by polls and pundits throughout much of his down and dirty campaign against State Senator Tom Kean, Jr.

The press, pre-election, made much of the assumption that, with a 13% Hispanic state population, Union City’s favorite son would be bolstered by Latino support. Today, they’re lauding Menendez’ victory, concentrating not so much on his natural constituency, but on the white ethnics who might have shied away from a Latino candidate were it not for the sweeping discontent with Bush-Republican policies, especially the Iraq war.

For more on Menendez’ stand on the issues see article here, and:

Menendez Rides Democrats' Wave
Star-Ledger Staff

Race Shows N.J. Voters Are Worlds Apart
Star-Ledger Staff
Two snapshots of the divergent worlds, and ultimately voting constituencies, of the contenders: Tom Kean’s snow-capped latte-in-hand private school moms and dads and Menendez’ cohorts whose expressos go down thick and in quick shots from formica-clad lunch conters.