3:00 PM -Jueves 2 de noviembre, 2006
Estimados Amigos y Colegas:
La Policía Federal Preventiva está atacando violentamente en estos momentos la Ciudad Universitaria-Universidad Autónoma Benito Juárez de Oaxaca. Los compañeros de la universidad resisten heroicamente frente a la violencia de la policía y el ejército fuertemente armado. Hay muchos heridos y posibles muertos. Toda el área de la ciudad universitaria está siendo constantemente bombardeada por gases lacrimógenos.
Yo personalmente vi pasar por la carretera que entra a la ciudad de Oaxaca unos 15 camiones llenos de policías fuertemente armados con metralletas y otras armas de fuego. Sobre mi departamento del Centro Histórico vuelan constantemente helicópteros del ejército. Hay que alertar a todo el mundo para que el gobierno del Presidente Vicente Fox pare esta represión en Oaxaca y no se convierta el día de hoy en una masacre nunca antes vista en esta bella ciudad. Lamento no tener imágenes que compartir con ustedes. En estos momentos no puedo llegar hasta donde están ocurriendo los hechos.
Dear Friends and Colleagues:
At this very moment, the is violently attacking University City of the Autonomous University of Benito Juarez in Oaxaca. The companeros of the university are putting up a heroic resistance in the face of the heavily armed police and army. there are many wounded and possible deaths. The entire area of the university complex is being constantly bombarded by tear gas.
I personally have seen passing through the highway that leads into the city of Oaxaca about 15 trucks full of police heavily armed with machine guns and other firearms. Above my aparment in the Historic Center army helicopters circle constantly. Everyone must be on the alert that [Mexican] President, Vicente Fox, put an end to the repression in Oaxaca and that today does not become one of a massacre never before seen in this beautiful city. I regret not having images to share with you. At this time I cannot reach the area where the events are unfolding.

3 de noviembre, 2006
My note: The Day of the Dead is perhaps the most characteristic celebration in the Mexican calendar, conflating the Christianity of Spain and vestiges of fantastical indigenous practices that refuse to be subsumed by catechismic, mundane renderings of the life of Christ. On various feast days, including Semana Santa--Holy Week--alfombras, or carpets laid out on the streets laden with images created from natural ingredients--such as flowers, earth and foodstuffs--pay homage to Christian, "pagan", and worldly figures, both historical and contemporary. Here, there are alfombras and altars erected for the Day of the Dead, Nov. in the streets, laden with offerings. As Francisco says, two of the altars are dedicated to Brad Will, independent news photographer shot dead by armed government forces attempting to quell the massive street protests.
Estimados amigos y colegas:
Me tomo este breve momento para enviarles mis fotos de las celebraciones del Día de Muertos en Oaxaca. Vi dos altares conmemorando la vida de Brad Will, nuestro hermano reportero asesinado por los agentes del gobierno. Para aquellos que no han visto las fotos de Brad y de sus asesinos, con gusto las enviaré. Estas no las he incluido por no ser mías y haberlas visto circulando en muchos medios. Mientras celebrábamos nuestros muertos la policía se preparaba para atacar a la Universidad Autónoma Benito Juárez. Pero el pueblo le dio una lección más a las fuerzas invasoras.
Dear friends and colleagues,
I'm taking this brief moment to send you my photos of the Day of the Dead celebrations in Oaxaca. I saw 2 altars commemorating the life of Brad Will, our journalist brother assassinated by government agents. For those who haven't seen the photos of Brad and his assassins, I will be pleased to send them. Not being mine, I haven't included them, and because the media has been circulating them as well. While we were cebrating our dead, the police was preparing to attack the Benito Juarez Autonomous University. But the people taught the invading forces still another lesson [by their resistance].

Dear Friend:
Enclosed you will find some of my recent pictures of the “Day of the Dead” celebrations in Oaxaca. There were at least two alters commemorating the life of our brother Brad Will, murdered by the oppressive forces at the service of the government. For those who have not seen the photos of Brad and of his murderers, I will be happy to send them. While we celebrated our dead the government was preparing an attack on the University, but the people of Oaxaca repelled the invading federal police. - Francisco -

I gave my blood to tell the truth about a people.

Neither forgive nor forget