photos and commentary by Francisco Alvarado-Juarez
URO (Gov. Ruiz): How many more deaths before you're outta
7:30 PM, 30 de octubre, 2006
Estimados Amigos y Colegas:
Estas son algunas de mis fotos del “Segundo Día de la
Ocupación de Oaxaca” por la Policía Federal Preventiva. Ayer, durante la toma de Oaxaca se registraron tres muertes. La situación sigue muy difícil. Hoy la marcha pacífica de miles de ciudadanos ha concluido con un plantón en frente de la iglesia de Santo Domingo, en el centro histórico, solamente a unas cuadras del Zócalo
que se encuentra sitiado por la policía.
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
These are some of my photos of the "Second Day of the Occupation of Oaxaca" by the PFP, the federal anti-riot force. Yesterday during the takeover of Oaxaca, three deaths were recorded. The situation continues to be very difficult. Today the peaceful march of thousands of citizens ended with a vigil opposite the Church of Santo Domingo in the Historic Center, just a few blocks from the Zocolo, or Main Square, which is currently besieged by the police.

The blood of our fallen companeros compels us to go on til