This is the 5th installment of reportage and images, sent by Honduran-US artist and activist, Francisco Alvarado-Juarez, on the 7th, Nov. After an almost 3-week lull, there has been another surge of violence, with bands of youth wielding rocks and rage through the city Saturday night and Sunday, torching government buildings, as demands for presumably corrupt, hard-line governor, Ulises Ruiz, have gone unheard. We're awaiting word from Francisco now on the disturbances, which have sent 10 people to the hospital so far. We've got the story up on our AP feed for the week [see here], but the reporting seems to be heavily slanted towards the Mexican government's official line. See Francisco's earlier posts for a closer look . (And his web site, if not already visited, for more about him and his work: Francisco Alvarado